It has been just over a year since we moved into our new house, and whilst there are still some adjustments we want to make – the place is starting to feel like our home. It takes a while to get there, but following a few simple tips can definitely helps speed up the process!
Tip 1: Get rid of boxes
Boxes are the number one thing you want to get rid of when you move into a new place! As long as you have boxes lying around the house, it’ll always feel a bit messy and a bit un-finished. If you find you don’t have time to unpack everything all at once – designate one of the smaller rooms to ‘boxes’ and they can stay out of sight until you’re ready to deal with them.
Tip 2: Hang curtains and blinds
Most of the time, when you move into a place, there won’t be any curtains of blinds up on the windows (the previous owners will have probably taken them). One of the key things to making your house feel cosy, and private, is getting those blinds and curtains up. Make this a day 1 job, and get it out of the way. Direct Blinds are a good place to begin your search.
Tip 3: Buy lots of frames!
For me, having frames and prints hung on the walls, is a sign that my house is my home. I love photos and prints, and I’m not happy unless I’m surrounded by beautiful visuals and artwork. It’s a way to quickly put your stamp on a room too – that usually require minimal effort.
Tip 4: Buy some flowers
A super quick and cheap tip, but buy some beautiful flowers and have them pride of place! Flowers make any room seem homely, and the colours will brighten up a room and add some personality too.
Tip 5: Throw a dinner party / BBQ
As soon as you start making memories in your new house, it’ll start to feel like your home. Having friends over for a fun BBQ, or having everyone round for a board games night with yummy food is a perfect way to do just that. Once people have been round to the house and once you started having fun, it’ll start to feel like home in no time.
Tip 6: Wait for Christmas
If Christmas is approaching, then go all out! Get a big Christmas tree, decorate, and make everything feel festive and homely!