Does anyone else find working at home waaaay more appealing than going to the gym? This year, my resolution is to try and workout at least 3 times a week (last week I did 6 workouts hurrah!) – but the idea of dragging myself to the gym that many times, using the gross showers and packing and unpacking my gym stuff, if sooo not fun.
Instead, I’m trying to do my workouts at home, and I’m currently using the HIIT style – because it goes with the fitness and eating plan we’re trying out.
Anyway – here are a few videos I’ve been really enjoying, that seem to work (I’m judging this from my muscle aching the next day).
Lucy Wyndham-Read
I love Lucy’s video because they’re only around 10 minutes long, so I don’t get bored doing the same moves for 30 minutes straight. With Lucy’s videos, I tend to pick 2 or 3 and do them after the other, mixing them up each time. I also like that she has beginners moves and expert moves, good for if you’re just starting out, or if you want to be a bit gentler on yourself than usual!
Jillian Michaels – 30 Day Shred
I always ache like crazy after I do these ones, and even though you’ll need to purchase some weights to do the routine – it’s well worth it for the results you see. Don’t forget to up your weights after a month or so too – to make sure you’re still pushing yourself.
Fitness Blender
These videos are super clean and easy to follow. There are SO many to choose from too, which means you can try out a different one each time. They’re a little longer than the short ones Lucy does, so maybe something to work up to if you’re a beginner.
The Body Coach HIIT Workouts
Joe Wicks is the new body/fitness guru here in the UK, and his workouts are tough, but fun. He’s also pretty handsome – which will get you through that 30 minute workout no problem.