Stage 1: You get off the plane – for 1 hour all tiredness is cast aside in favour of excitement.
Common symptom of Stage 1: Hopping around in excitement and using the word ‘yay’.
Stage 2: You resolve to stay awake until ‘bed-time’ in your current location.
Common symptom of Stage 2: Constant and severe yawning.
Stage 3: You begin the agonising wait until ‘bed-time’.
Common symptoms of Stage 3: Talking about bed way too much, day-dreaming about bed, falling asleep in random places.
Stage 4: You climb into bed like it’s the best thing you’ve ever climbed into in your life. Which it is. Oh my god it so is.
Common symptoms of Stage 4: Hogging of the duvet, dead-to-the-world-ness and snoring
Stage 5: You wake up in the middle of the night, with no idea how you got there, where you are or what time it is…. followed by relief and excitement that you’re allowed to go back to sleep.
Common symptoms of Stage 5: Panic, confusion, followed by relief.
Stage 6: You try to go back to sleep (you try and try) – but your body is having none of it.
Common symptoms of Stage 6: Insomnia.
Stage 7: Morning arrives, and you’re just as exhausted, sleepy, sick and tired as you were the night before.
Common symptoms of Stage 7: Grumpiness and general hangover-like feeling.
Stage 8: You resolve to stay awake until ‘bed-time’ in your current location….
And the cycle continues… Welcome to the world of travelling and jetlag.